Day by day in the metropolis

By: Gabo Gonzalez

Concrete colorful
nft gallery, nft advisory, virtual exhibition, online exhibition, nft art gallery, nft artworks


Never before seen lenses

Our first collection. Each part of the metropolis has some dream, some history behind, that’s what the artist shows in this collection. Details and art that make this collection special. Many of us know the most iconic monuments and places in the world thanks to photography, however, this time our artist was looking for certain details of the world’s metropolis, paying attention beyond tourism, and living through the photographic lens the day-to-day life in these important cities.

day by day collection
nft gallery, nft advisory, virtual exhibition, online exhibition, nft art gallery, nft artworks

Advertising aimed at digital collectors

Freedom of artistic creation

New ways of valuing art

Possibility of marketing digital art at a better cost

Visibility on the Web 3

Secure and professional creation of NFTs

Digital consultancy for artists


Presentation of the collection

The first Gabo Gonzalez collection is released, creating a new NFT wave with several benefits, stories and new information to discover.


Story behind each NFT

To give more value to each NFT we present the story behind each image so you not only feel identified with the image, but with the purpose for which it was created.

Presentation of benefits

Every NFT collection must have benefits, these will be presented exclusively by the creator of the collection, soon you will be able to give more value to your NFT.


Artist interview

24 gallery is a space where we give importance to each artistic work, in this case the photography of Gabo Gonzalez, preparing a safe space of expression is part of our values. Soon you will know more about Gabo Gonzalez.

Marketplaces extension

We know that great NFT collections must be in several places so you can find them in your favorite marketplaces.


Whitelist giveaway

For all the fans of this collection, soon you can be part of a limited group of people and connect with the creator.

Collection expansion

Day by day in the metropolis was created to stay in the market, that’s why there are more NFTs, new unique images coming soon.

More to be announced…


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